Hosted at St. Anthony's the food bank provides food for those in need in the Fairport Harbor area. For information concerning the foodbank, please call 440-357-6714.
Wednesdays 5-7pm
Saturdays 5-7pm
Join together in song, under the direction of our choir director, Debbie Fitzgerald. For more information concerning becoming a member of the choir, please call Debbie at 440-251-6820 or stop up in the choir loft before or after any of the weekend Masses.
For more information please contact Barbara Bagdonas 440-488-6958
Our Parish Life group provides the ministry of hospitality for various parish celebrations including receptions following the celebration of the sacraments, PSR Christmas party, annual Parish Picnic and December Harbor Holidays raffle and more. For information concerning becoming involved with Parish Life please contact Debbie Kacsala at 440-354-4525.
A community of women and men coming together to pray the Rosary on the 1st Tuesday of each month Sept-May at 2:00PM. New members are always welcome. For more information contact Donna Perrine at 440-221-7140
Currently on a hiatus.
Meets on scheduled Sunday evenings from 6:00-7:30PM for students in grades 6-12.
Advises the Parish Life Coordinator on financial matters of the parish and school. Responsible for monitoring all income and expenses, and approving the annual budgets.
A group that counts the funds collected at Mass each week.
The PPC is involved in most activities and programs effecting the liturgical and spiritual life of St. Anthony Parish.
Held Friday evenings at 7:00PM in the Church during the season of Lent.
Volunteers who assist people to their seat if necessary. They also take up the collection.
Contact the parish office
Do you feel called to share your faith as a PSR teacher or a PSR assistant? If so, please call Debbie Kacsala in the parish office for more information concerning the PSR program.
Ministers who proclaim the readings to our children during a dismissal at the 10:00a.m. mass. For more information concerning this ministry please contact us at
Join us on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7PM in Room 103 in the school for our Adult Bible study. All are welcome.
Boys and girls in grade 3 through adult are invited to consider participating in the ministry of altar server. For more information concerning schedules or training please contact Deacon George to participate in this important ministry.
Please contact the parish office at 440-354-4525 to set up an appointment for a baptismal class.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion who serve the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass and to the sick and homebound.
Please contact Deacon George if you would like to participate
Volunteers who donate time, talent and labor to care for and beautify the grounds and church. Interested in helping around the parish grounds? Please contact Deacon George at
The ministry of cross bearer is for adult men and women in the parish. It involves carrying the cross in procession at weekend masses, funerals and for special liturgical events and holy days. For more information concerning become a cross bearer, please contact Deacon George at
The ministry of lector are readers who proclaim the Scriptures at Mass and other liturgical and prayer services. Training for the miinstry of lector can be done on an individual basis. For more information please contact Deacon George at
Our Bereavement Lunch Committee is responsible for hosting funeral lunches here at the parish following a funeral or for special memorial masses. In addition to serving the food, bakers are needed to prepare and donate items. Interested in becoming a part of this committee? Please call Debbie Kacsala at the Parish Office at 440-354-4525 for more information.
For anyone grieving the loss of a loved one. All are welcome. Please call Debbie Kacsala at the parish office 440-354-4525 for more information.
Order of Christian Initiation – preparation of adult candidates for Catholic sacraments. The RCIA meets on scheduled Mondays from 6-8p.m. from September to Easter. For more information concerning the RCIA process or becoming an RCIA team member, please call the rectory at 440 354-4525. Contact Debbie Kacsala our OCIA Director at the following email
St. Anthony's participates with several other churches in the Lake County area to bring the Word and Holy Communion to the incarcerated. To learn more about this ministry please contact Dee Trepal, Certified Pastoral Minister at 440-382-1889.
Parish Office
316 5th Street
Fairport Harbor, Ohio 44077
Church address
521 Plum St
Fairport Harbor, Ohio 44077