Welcome to St. Anthony of Padua
Fairport Harbor, Ohio
New Paragraph
Mass schedule
Saturdays (Vigil) 4pm
Sundays 8am and 10am
Mondays 6pm
Wednesdays 8am
Office address
316 5th Street
Fairport Harbor, Ohio 44077
(440) 354-4525
Office Hours
M, T, Th, F -10am-3pm
Church/Food Pantry
521 Plum St
Food Pantry Hours
Wednesdays and Saturdays 5-7pm
Fr Michael Stalla
Presbyteral Moderator
Parish Staff
Deacon George Malec
Parish Life Coordinator
Director of Permanent Diaconate
Formation for the Diocese of Cleveland
Deacon John Zarbo
Parish Deacon
Debbie Kacsala
Certified Lay Ecclesial Minister
Pastoral Associate
(Diocese of Cleveland)
Debbie Fitzgerald
Music Director
Mass Times
Saturday (Vigil Mass): 4pm
Sunday: 8am and 10am
Monday: 6pm
Wednesday: 8am
Holy day of obligation
8am and 7pm
Eucharist Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration every Wednesday from 3-7pm unless otherwise noted
As members of God’s family, we have a commitment to use our God-given talents to promote God’s message of love, to worship, educate, evangelize, and respond to the spiritual and human needs of our parish, cluster, diocese, district, community, and all other people.
Through the grace of the Holy Spirit, we are called to be a lighthouse of faith to shine forth from our parish as a beacon to guide our community to the Lord. When life seems difficult and troublesome, our faith offers us security and strength. When we come together to celebrate God’s gifts, the Holy Spirit fills us with joy.
We are a welcoming Catholic community in Lake County, Ohio. Our pastoral Fr. Michael Stalla, Deacon George Malec and Steve Biro invite you to join us for worship, faith formation and fellowship.
For more information concerning the parish please email us at office@stafh.org or call 440-354-4525.
For information concerning youth ministry please contact our Pastoral Associate Debbie Kacsala at dkacsala@stafh.org
Click here to view our PSR program. For more information contact Debbie Kacsala at dkacsala@stafh.org
Matthew 28: 18-20 (RSV-CE)
Parish Office
316 5th Street
Fairport Harbor, Ohio 44077
Church address
521 Plum St
Fairport Harbor, Ohio 44077